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從日本愛知向世界傳遞並介紹最新藝術動向。本次展覽以「都市的祭典Arts and Cities」為題目,邀請自國內外約70組藝術家共襄盛舉。從當代藝術國際展到追求前衛表現之表演藝術、舞臺公演、錄像藝術等。全部都是世界最先趨的當代藝術。大部分的作品都是只能在愛知欣賞的全新作品,而且這些作品除了在美術館與劇場之外,也延伸到廣場、公園與具有歷史的商店街等都市街道當中,讓都會整體成為了藝術空間,這將是個嶄新與令人期待的都市祭典 。

為了和台灣的觀眾進一步交流,主辦單位特別於4/30(星期五)來到台北舉辦發表會,由愛知三年展藝術總監(同時也是日本國立國際美術館館長)建畠晢先生親自介紹本展與發表最新展出內容,誠摯邀請您蒞臨參與此次難得的聚會 。

地點:台北當代藝術中心 地址: 台北市中正區延平南路160之6號
講者: 建畠晢
特別貴賓: 李玉玲

18:00~18:30 相關諮詢與預售票訂購
18:30~18:35 貴賓致詞
18:35~19:05 愛知三年展規劃介紹與內容發表
      - 講者: 建畠晢  Akira TATEHATA 日本大阪國立國際美術館館長
                         - 藝術家影片訊息: 蔡國強/黃世傑/草間彌生
19:05~19:25 Q&A


主辦單位: 愛知三年展執行委員會、愛知藝術文化中心、名古屋市立美術館



English Language

The Amoeba Design Association (ADA) was founded in 1971. It is known as Taiwan Amoeba Design Association (TADA) today.

TADA was the first design association founded in Taiwan and was initially consisted of students in the National Taiwan Academy of Arts, now is known as the National Taiwan University of Arts. It is the second oldest design association merely next to the Graphic Design Association of the Republic of China. TADA is the first design association to have interaction with design/artists associations in South Korea and Japan. It successfully introduces the artist association from Japan and the Korea Industrial Artists Association from South Korea to the Graphic Design Association of the Republic of China to hold many associated exhibitions titled “Asian Designers’ Exhibition.”
TADA’s frequent exhibitions of arts and design influenced other fine art/design groups tremendously. These avant-garde style of the art and design exhibitions provided different perspectives in such a relatively conservative design atmosphere in Taiwan from 1970 to 1990.

In 1990’s, TADA hosted and participated in various design exhibitions such as the “Asia Graphic Design Exchange” in 1991 and 1994, the “KOREA and CHINA Graphic Exchange” in 1994 and 1995, the “ICOGRADA International Poster Design Exhibition” in 1997, …etc. All of these design exhibitions not only provided fruitful design information to general public but also fertilized the field of design in Taiwan.

In 2000’s, TADA has put efforts to improve its services on the following six areas: the design education, design policy, designers’ promotion, design exhibition, design research, and international exchanges. With the fulfillment of the six approaches, TADA hopes make better contributions to serve both national and international design societies. The ultimate goal is to fulfill the implementation of design and everyday life.

Chinese Language



